
Human DevOps

Human DevOps - 28th April 2024 - Bad Week, Good Week

Published 21 days ago • 1 min read

When you turn up to work you have a choice.

Your choice is to enjoy the work that's put in front of you or to fight the work.

If you fight the work, then be sure you're up to the fight. Some weeks, you're just not in the shape to do the fight, so then leave it.

Here's the always-interesting John Cutler talking to Hazel Weakly about software engineering. My favourite quote from Hazel:

"Local choices move everything forward in the right direction. Can I give [people] the ability to make decisions [so] that I don't even have to check in with them? [..] That is true multiplication of not just the force, but of the system's synergy."

Let's construct a future where we don't need to fight the work.

-- Richard

Don’t Overthink It

Published on April 28, 2024

There is a lot of talk about programming. There is also a lot of talk about improving the craft of programming through architecture, TDD, DDD, Agile, pairing, or any host of frameworks or protocols for improving our practice. We can discuss engineering vs. programming. Automation and DevOps as methods that impose feedback mechanisms to improve… Read More »Don’t Overthink It


Human DevOps

by Richard Bown

DevOps at is the heart of modern software systems. In my regular newsletter, I dive into the human factors that make successful engineering organizations where teams and platforms thrive at the heart of your socio-technical systems. From leadership to team setup, maximizing performance, tools and techniques.

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